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DOM (drawn over mandrel) steel offers increased hardness and tensile strength making this metal well-suited for a high-RPM driveshaft. This 3-inch shaft comes with 1350-Series “Gold” solid U-joints for enhanced durability. You’ll also appreciate that we build this driveshaft to the most stringent tolerances in the industry.


•  Hydraulically straightened tubing built to a .005” total turnout at the center
•   Tube yokes welded to within a .006” runout on each end
•   Shafts are computer balanced to less than a ⅛ ounce/inch variance as an assembly


We also calculate critical speed on each shift for maximum durability and longevity with this 3” DOM steel version recommended (in most cases) for applications up to 1,000 HP.


Ready To Order?
PST provides numerous options to manufacture this driveshaft to your exact needs, including SFI certification. We also offer a choice of slip yokes and a Spicer U-Joint upgrade. Give PST a call at 727-442-1711 if you have questions or need ordering help.


The PST Driveshaft Difference
For more than 20 years, hot rodders and performance enthusiasts have sought out PST driveshafts. Why? Because our precision-crafted products offer unmatched quality and capability. And unlike most other companies in the industry, we only make driveshafts. So, all our efforts are focused on making our one product line the best in the business.

3" Steel Driveshaft (Up to 1,000 HP) .083" Wall with 1020 DOM Steel

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